Monday, August 18, 2014


Today marks the beginning to an end. Our first day of Cross Country practice was today and I have never had so many mixed emotions about anything! It was filled with many highs and lows. Last year’s season was FANTASTIC! The guys team ended the last season as 
STATE CHAMPIONS and the girls placed sixth. Though we lost many great runners we have many returners, once again “Hungry for Victory” as some may say. As Indians we work as one tribe. Many believe that Cross Country is an individual sport, but it’s not. Yes there are individual places but it’s not just about you doing well and getting a medal. There’s more to this sport than running. Each member has to be dedicated to reaching a goal. As one unit, one tribe, dreams are reached, records broken, and success is achieved. Everyone on a team wants their other team mates to do well. One cannot just wish upon a star and hope your dreams will be achieved. One must have the desire to achieve greatness. One must have the motivation to keep going, the determination to push yourself through the hard times (a.k.a. hills and 1000’s), and to be willing to break past the mold of saying it’s not possible and realize that it is. The team that won state last year, wasn’t just a group of great runners. They were a family, all with the same goal in mind, willing to give it their all every single day. Together they ran thousands of miles and in the end achieved greatness.

Each year we have a team song that helps to get our team excited to run before meets. This year our song is “Fire” by Gavin DeGraw. The lyrics to this song describe my team perfectly. Shout out to Cara for finding it. I could not be more excited to start the season now! As our Coach said, the only wording change we would need to change is “Call the Koppes” instead of “Call the Cops”, however that is a minuscule detail! I know this year is going to be a great season. Everyday I go to school practically jumping off the walls with excitement for practice. This year is going to be great! Not only will the guys be on the awards stand, the girls will be right up there with them! As this is my senior year, I am defiantly going to step it up another notch and help our team bring home the hardware. However I can’t do this alone. With my team and Jesus by my side, great things will happen! Our first meet is 19 days away! It’s the beginning to a grand start!

Together We Can Do Great Things
Though it’s the beginning to many grueling practices, sore throats from cheering on your teammates, and sweat soaked clothes from running in hot humid weather. It’s all worth it! Every step you take will lead you somewhere great! When you’re with your team, or second family, you begin to realize once you have given your best effort and are so very passionate about a goal, anything can happen. I’m not saying if you want to be successful you have to be on a cross country team by any means. I would gladly encourage one to join any sports team, of club, or activity, or group or whatever else you may call your gathering. You should do what makes you happy. Happiness is key in life! You don’t have to be on any kind of team if you don’t want. But everyone does have a goal of some kind, and one should do everything they can to reach that goal. Though it seems like a far off dream now, anything is obtainable. You have to believe in yourself, never lose hope, and never cease to fight for success. When you put your heart, your mind and your soul to something, I can assure you that you will find a way to get that dream.

Keep on working towards whatever you want to do with your life. I hope that you reach your goals and aim higher! Never give up on what you set out to accomplish. Always remember that God is always there for you. He wants us to pray to him everyday. After all He is our father, a King. We are His princess’ and princes’ He only wants what is best for us!

Keep on Runnin’!

“…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

-Hebrews 12:1

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

La Historia de Mi Vida

These past few weeks have been a blur, though they were a great way to finish off the end to my summer vacation. I went to a camp one week and then to South Dakota the following week. The camp I went to was so much fun! I had a blast! Believe it or not it was the first time I had ever been away from my family for that long. Though I missed them dearly, I enjoyed every minute spent at camp! It was a leadership camp for inspired Student Council members. Sounds kinda nerdy, ya I know. However the knowledge I have gained from there is amazing! I made so many new friends and met so many inspiring people. Everyone there had so many talents and brought great leadership values to their council's! As soon as I returned I was overwhelmed by how much I missed my Council, as well as the amount of time I was given to do all of my laundry before having to leave again for another week. South Dakota was a lot of fun! My family is very outdoorsy, therefore, while we were in SD we went camping. The Black Hills were absolutely gorgeous! We went on many hikes and climbed various mountains. It was great to spend so much time with my family after being away for a week. As soon as we set up our campground I put up my hammock. There was a creek close to where we were so I set it up next to there. It was the perfect spot for reading! The driving part was not so pleasant since I have a really hard time sitting for long periods of time. I would much rather be playing! I still had a great time and would do it all over again if I could!!

One cannot simply go to South Dakota without seeing Mt. Rushmore! 

The Black Hills were beautiful!! I loved our week there!

The view from the top of the mountain we hiked. You could see for miles!
Now that I am back home I have been running of course, as well as figuring out my future. It's crazy to believe that I am going into my last year of High School. Where has all the time gone?? Lately I have been applying to colleges and looking for scholarships. It's all very time consuming I must say. The good thing is I know that I want to be a Pediatrician. Therefore I would like to major in Biology. The draw back...I have no idea where I want to go to school. Each school is different in its own way and I just need to find the one that's right for me.  I know that God will lead me to the best one, but it's still hard to make decisions! Every senior goes through this same process. Although it's long, I know that where ever I choose will be worth it in the long run!

I believe every teenager must experience the sensation of being home alone. When ever this opportunity arrives I have a grand time! Today just so happened to be one of those days. When no one is around I love to play the piano (I tend to bore my family by playing the same song over and over but how else am I supposed to practice?) or violin or turn my music up really loud and make up random choreography to each song (One can do great leap passes down long hall ways). I probably look hilarious when caught in this act....but it's so much fun. Today I was practicing the violin and was wishing that I had a piano accompaniment to the song. Clever as I am, I realized I could record myself playing the piano on my phone. I then hooked up my phone to the speaker. And Bam! There I had my piano accompaniment! IT WAS SO COOL!!! I was absolutely thrilled with this idea! I understand someone probably already thought of this idea. However for the time being please allow me to be impressed with myself.

So here is the story of my life as it stands!
Love, Megan

The Lord shall guide thee continually. -Isaiah 58:11