Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fueling the Fire

It starts with one spark. Within a blink of an eye, a flame is sent, creating a fire. The fire dwindles as it begins to extinguish. Kindling is added provoking the flames to leap into the air. The heat radiating off the fire, scolding to the touch. A fire burns in our souls. A yearning to achieve something. It all starts with one spark. It starts with a dream.

Track starts Monday and I couldn't be more excited. With it being my senior year I plan to break all of my p.r.'s and maybe set new records in the making! Along with that excitement comes my thoughts of, "Oh my goodness! This is my last year in high school. Next year I'll be living on my own. I need to run competitively next year. What in the world do non-runners do with their time??" and so on and so forth! This year I will be ready to race. I've put in my training and I'm hungry for victory.
A few afternoons ago, I met a coach at the track I was at. I had been doing a sprint workout to get some speed and as I was taking my water break, this man started walking up to me. My first thoughts were "Stranger Danger!! Stranger Danger!!" I looked around to make sure there were other people at the track and I knew some guys that were playing soccer on the other side of the track so I figured I would be fine. But then the guy started talking to me and asking about my running. I just replied with yes and no answers because I didn't want to be rude! As it turns out this "coach" was actually very positive. We had a ten minute conversation about running. (I tell ya, runners are some of the coolest people. If you want to talk to us runners, talk about running!) I had been really upset about my training after I had to sit out two weeks because of the flu and the fact that my times aren't where I want them to be. The "coach" told me to keep working hard and that the training I put in now will defiantly pay off. This seems like such a simple idea, but when it comes from a random stranger you meet at the track, it seems to mean more. It gave me hope again to achieve my goals. It fueled the fire.

Track is an incredible sport and I encourage everyone to at least give it a shot. There is actually a sport for everyone in Track and Field. Not every one is meant to be a distance runner and I completely understand that. I could certainly never make a shot put thrower, but that's quite alright with me. One should do what they're most passionate about. It all starts with a spark. Set your mind to it and soon you have a fire. Life is short, so we might as well make the most of it while we can!

From the song Live Like a Warrior by Matisyahu
Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down.
~Proverbs 26:20

Just as we must keep hope in our dream's and never let our fire's go out, we must spread the word of our Lord. Without telling other's about the blessing God has given us, His fire will cease to burn. We must keep our faith alive and pursue in spreading His word. Without God I would not be the person I am today. All the glory will always go to the Lord! 

Keep pursuing in your dreams. Make every moment count. Never lose the Faith. And let your spark turn to a wildfire.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I'm one of those people that believes in signs. Not the voodoo signs or any kind of crazy witch craft sort of thing. Just signs that maybe no one else would have noticed. God is always trying to guide us and lead us in the right direction. Sometimes we get straight forward answers and sometimes we have to figure out what He truly wants us to do. As for me, I think I communicate with Christ through different signs. The other day I was on a tour of a college. I knew going in, that I already really liked the campus, it was just as to which major I was unsure of. As I was sitting in the office I saw an African Violet sitting on the desk beside me. My Mom loves African Violets and they are all over my house. By seeing that flower, it was a sign! Now of course there's the whole issue of is it a good sign or a bad sign. However, that is for us to discover. Maybe it wasn't really a sign and I was just making it up. I couldn't say for sure! But I do know that it's where my heart is guiding me. I've spent many a times praying in search of what is right for me. It's comforting to realize that you always have God to turn to.

There are many days I wish I could get a straight forward sign such as this. But that would be way to easy!! God is there to help us through and figure out what are heart truly desires. I'm not searching for any miracles to drastically change my life around. Sometimes we just need that comforting person to help us see that everything will work out fine, to help us find the good signs!

There are days that life seems all twisted, and we have no idea where we are going any more, just as this sign. There are days when I just break down and, well, lay on the floor. Although usually when I'm stressed I go play the piano, because the piano is a beautiful instrument that allows one to express them self with out speaking. But any how, however you may deal with stress, sometimes you just have to take a step back and view it from God's view. For us it may seem as though we have the whole world sitting on our shoulders. Though I can assure you that God will be there to lift the weight! Life will go on. There is no reason to get caught up in which way to go. God will guide you!!

Above all you should follow your heart. The good Lord will lead you to where you need to go, you just have to be willing to follow his path, listen to his word, and spread his love to those around you. You can do anything if you put your heart to it! Today is a new day. You are a living, breathing,  child of God! What else could you need! Follow the signs and let God in! He will help you to see the signs and do what is right!
Until the Next Sign,
Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6