The Cross Country season has come to a close, and with that, the blistering winds of Kansas have blown through. Although I don't have practice everyday, I'm still just as busy as ever! I seem to be involved in a lot of activities which makes for a fun yet slightly stressful lifestyle! Thanksgiving is fast approaching and Christmas is right around the corner (The most wonderful time of the year!) As soon as Thanksgiving day has past, I can assure you, Christmas music will be filling the house! There is just so much to do and so little time to do it! Although I am grateful for the extra bit of free time, I am struggling to do away with running. Running and Jesus are essentially my life. However our team had a great end to the season. This year at State our team did AMAZING! The girls team placed fourth (the best we have placed since I've been on the team) and the boys placed third. For the first time in history on the boys side, we had, not only a STATE CHAMPION, but a STATE RUNNER-UP as well! Those guys, Michael and Jackson, who stood on the podium this year worked so hard. Not only were they motivated to t run every day, they were dedicated. They ate, spoke, dressed, acted, LIVED like state champions. In my opinion, there wasn't just one state champ, there was two! On the girls side we had two state medalist. My sister, Cara, placed 20th and I placed 15th. It only took four years to get on that podium, but let me tell ya! It never felt sweeter! Our team worked so hard this year and I couldn't have been more thrilled! My love for this team is enormous! I definitely would not be where I am today without them. Hopefully I will be able to run cross country and track in college! As I have spoken with a few coaches, I am getting closer to running at the next level.
Our State Champions! |
The Crew |
College is another big portion of my life, as it is for most every other senior. Taking that next step. Turning the page. Writing a new chapter. Beginning a new phrase. Education is so important in this day and age. I'm so excited for college and the new adventures God will lead me on! It is during these decisive moments we must lean on the Lord. Each college has it's positive's and negative's which sometimes makes it harder for the decision making. Although in my opinion the hardest part is finding scholarships. There are so many out there! It just takes time to apply for each one. But hey! If a two hour essay will give me 1000 dollars, I'll do what ever it takes! Right now the hardest part is deciding whether to run or not to run. So far I have my college search narrowed down to two. One being purely for academics and the other to run at. Right now I don't think I can give up running. But do I break away from the family tradition? The answer is always pray. Pray Pray Pray. In everything you do, do it with Christ! I can't wait to see where God guide's me!
Here's just a peek into the life of Megan! I hope you're having a marvelous day!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Congratulations on 15th at State, Megan! That's awesome!
ReplyDeleteI nominated you for a bloggy award check my blog out if you want to do it. :)
Thank you! It was a good end to my cross country season! Also thank you so much for the nomination!