Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pain is Temporary, Glory Lasts Forever

Not everything will go as planned. I have learned this to be true on plenty occasions. I always reflect on those times and think that wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. Sometimes it’s a good result. For many it hurts and we feel as though we can never recover. I’ve lived my entire life with the thought to never regret anything I do. Never have I regretted my effort however I do find it unfortunate to see the result. Currently I have so much going on in my life. My family is moving across the country this summer. My house is almost empty now and everything is boxed up so I’m camping in my room. I have to say goodbye to all of my friends because there is a chance I may never see them again since I’m coming back when everyone else is headed off to college. My state meet was awful {I actually tripped and fell during the race spraining my ankle and getting second to last in a race I had planned on medaling in}. I'm unsure of the standings I have for running at the next level and that thoroughly concerns me.

But with all that said when reflecting on it, I’m perfectly fine! I am surrounded by my wonderful family and friends, who love me so very much. I have a sturdy roof over my head, food on the table. I’m going to begin my training to prepare for next year. I have the ability to run and I can do amazing things. But most importantly I have Jesus. Jesus will always be there for us no matter where we go or what we are doing. We must praise the Lord for all the glory goes to him. We may be hurting or in pain now. However there are mountains and valleys in life. Today the words from Paul in Corinthians 2 truly spoke to me.

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed…So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for and eternal weight of glory beyond all measure, because we look not at what can be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.”
                                    ~2 Corinthians 4:8-9, 16-18

It’s amazing all the ways Christ can speak to us. Sometimes it’s through people, words, music, there are God sightings everywhere! Of course I am crushed by the results of some things and saddened by the outcome of others, however it’s not the end of the world. We must never give up. It’s alright if it doesn’t work out the way you may have planned. When one door opens another door opens. Life goes on. Children keep growing. Hearts keep beating. And soon, happiness appears out of the dark room, filling the bareness with light and warmth. We must never forget that we are not alone. There is always someone to stand by our side. Mountains and Valleys. Highs and Lows. Just as the Sun shines down it’s rays to clear the fog, Christ shines down on us to help us see that there is happiness on the other side. It may be painful at first but it will all be worth it. It always is. Life may not be perfect and exactly how we plan life to be, but that’s what makes it all the more wonderful.

Through the ups and the downs we will always find truth and pleasure at some point. Don’t get me wrong life is a real struggle sometimes. It hurts. Sometimes we take a day of mourning but that’s okay {Yes I did that. I cried for hours in my room. I woke up early in the morning and watched sad movies. Listened to my playlist called “The Feels” because it’s my most depressing playlist. I didn’t eat anything including ice cream. Which for me is a big deal.} It will all work out eventually it always has and it always will. Right now I’m sad and that’s the truth. I’m trying to be strong and end up finding myself in denial on many accounts. We aren’t actually moving. Of course I will be running competitively next year! State was actually one of the worst races I have ever ran, I’ll give you that much. But I finished. I completed the challenge that lay before me. I didn’t want to finish 14th but with the conditions at hand, it’s amazing I could even do that! All my dreams and goals seem to be crashing down around me. I keep shutting people out of my life and pretending like it doesn’t matter. But it always does. It hurts now, but evidently God has greater plans for me.

Before today I always thought the saying “Pain is temporary, glory lasts forever” just meant in short term. For instance, sprint this next 100m, or to never settle. Give it everything you can, 100% all the way. However now I realize there is more to that saying. Of course it hurts now and it’s painful. However God will guide us to the light. In the end we shall find glory where all is thought to be lost. Christ will give us the strength and endurance to make it. We must simply trust in Him and know that we will be okay.


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