Thursday, October 9, 2014


Prayer is an amazing gift! God wants us to pray to Him often. Whether it's in joy, healing, forgiveness, thanksgiving, whatever it may be PRAY. God is our Father and we are all His sons and daughters. There is not a certain way we have to pray either! We can pray in silence, song, as individuals, in a fellowship, with our hands folded, or lifted to the sky! The options are endless! When we are praying, we are talking to our Father. I was told once that when one prays, they should imagine they are sitting in the Lord's lap. Many of us remember sitting in our Dad's laps (or still do!). We need to have that same connection with God. After all he created us. He is the only one who knows what is planned for us. I am a Princess and he is my King. There is nobody in the world I love more than God. My faith is my first priority in my life.

In our busy lives, it can be hard to find time to pray. But there is always time for God. We can make the time to set aside other projects or activities to spend time with Christ. He gave us life!! Without Him I could not breathe, see, speak, feel, RUN. My goodness the list could go on forever! He is there when we strong or weak. He will always be there by our side. God will never give up on us. There are times when one may feel they are weak or helpless. We must look unto the Lord for He will give us the strength we need to persevere. After living on a prairie surrounded by hills, the verse I tend to connect with(actually verses) when I find myself searching for an answer comes from Psalm 121:1-2. "I look unto the hills, from where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord who created heaven and earth." God holds the answers to all of our questions. We can always look to Him. We can always trust in the Lord for He will never lead us astray. Although we may not realize it at the time, Christ has great plans us! 

PRAY! God wants to hear from us, just like our grandparents! Whether it's in the silence of our hearts or in companionship, PRAY!! Praise the Lord for all He has given us. We have the ability to do so many things we seem to take for granted. We must pray to the Lord in thanksgiving. Throughout prayer, one may find their serenity. Sometimes we may feel as though we don't know how to pray, though it is truly simple. God may not reply to us through a human figure, however he responds through His word, through our friends and family, through the sun rising and setting. We may not realize it right a way, but he always answers our call. Prayer is a beautiful time to have conversations with the Lord. When we pray, God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, gives more than we can imagine in His own way and on His own  time. Always trust in Him! He will answer all of our prayers!

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. ~Psalm 4:6
A.S.A.P. ~ Always Say A Prayer