Sunday, November 30, 2014

Let the Training Begin!

My two weeks of rest are over and now begins my training for Track! Yay for many left turns!! So far I have been easing back into running with just a once a week run. From a runners stand point IT'S SO HARD! I have the hardest time sitting still as it is, let alone when I'm told to ease off on exercise until my body gets back to normal. I have to admit I gave in and went for a run less then a week after State and I was told not to, but hey, I'm a rebel at times! Actually I'm not. Those people who skip class, they are the rebels (I'm physically/mentally incapable of doing so). But back to Training... Instead of focusing on mileage I'm STRENGTHENING! I've seen a tremendous amount of runners injure themselves because they don't give their bodies a break. Its good to exercise but you also have to listen to what your body says. For the next few weeks I'm bulking up! Lifting/Crossfit on Mon/Wed/Fri, Dance (ballet and pointe) on Tues, Yoga on Thurs, and a great end to the week with a run on Sat! Slowly but surly I'll work my way back into running full time. After intense workouts the best recovery fuel is chocolate milk! However I'm not really a fan of chocolate instead I have a glass of plain milk and two oreos! 
{Did you know the average Oreo has 6g of Iron in every serving?}

This year my focus is primarily on the 800 m. though I still plan on running the 1600 m and 3200 m. I kid you not, running is my life ladiez and gentlemen. I've ran the 1 and 2 mile for as long as I can remember and there is no way I could suddenly change to a sprinter. I also really want to try steeplechase this year. That's only an option for one meet but it looks like a blast! *Disregard all videos of steeplechase fails caught on tape, that doesn't happen to everyone!
Back in the day when I was just a young little runner
{About fourth grade}
Until Track season officially begins, I will be training. The work you put in now will pay off later. Each day when you wake up you have two options. Go back to sleep and dream about it, or get up and capture your dream. What ever sport or activity you do, go capture your dreams! 

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
~Isaiah 40:31 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Simple Blessings

The season of thanksgiving is upon us, and my gratitude towards all the simple blessings around me expands! There is so much to be thankful for! Everyday I wake up and I'm able to see the sun rise in the east and set in the west. The brilliance of colors, pink, orange, and blue, enhancing the sky. I have sturdy legs allowing my to stand, walk, run, and play as another kid! I have food on my plate, water in my cup, a roof over my head, and a car to take me to school. I have a family who loves me and friends who mean the world to me! Its these simple blessings we seem to forget about. God has given us life! That is the greatest gift anyone could ask for!

As we get caught up in our busy lives sometimes we forget to thank those around us for all they do. I have been blessed by my family and friends who surround me! One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is sitting down to dinner with all of my family surrounding me! Nobody is worried about school or work, rather the focus is on family and enjoying the time we have with each other. Since my family all lives in Colorado, we aren't able to see them as often. This year my Aunt and her family came down with the flu so they were sadly unable to join us. I pray that they begin to feel better soon! However, this year I, with the guidance of Gramma, made the Thanksgiving dinner! It was very delicious if I do say so myself!

I have so much to be thankful for! I am so very blessed to live in this lovely life! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


"Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods." ~Psalm 95:2-3

"I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way--in all your speaking and in all your knowledge--" ~1 Corinthians 1:4-5

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

{Blogger Recognition Award}

Thank you so much for nominating me Anna!! Be sure to check out her blog at The Life of Me {watch out}!  I have to say, I've never received an award like this, but I'm very excited! 

How did I start blogging?

My blogging experience began quite out of the blue! For starters, I am definitely a night owl which also means I tend to start projects (or blogs) late at night. During one summer evening Katie and I were watching a movie, nothing out of the ordinary! It was about ten or so when the movie finished so I went up to bed. However being the little night owl I am, I decided to reflect on my life and think of new quotes for my quote book rather than go to sleep. As I was reflecting I had the idea to start a blog. So I marched right back down stairs got on the computer and started my blog! It was a spur of the moment idea, but I would say it worked out alright! The hardest part was figuring out, what does one write in a blog? I picked two of my favorite things in life, Running and Jesus, and just let my fingers type away.


1. Comment ~ Just as you enjoy getting "likes" on Facebook, bloggers enjoy getting comments from their viewers. Then the blogger knows they are being heard!
2. Make your background "pleasant to the eye" ~ Don't let your background design take away from your writing
3. Write about things that matter most to you! 


I would now like to nominate:

Jeryka at Making Cancer History 
The Salina Diocese Youth Council at Gentle Wisdom
and Cara and Alex to start a blog of their own

Now that you have been nominated, 
1. Link to my blog
2. Explain how you started blogging
3. Give a few tips
4. Nominate others!

Thanks for reading! I hope you're having an AMAZING day!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. ~James 1:17
And just for pleasure...
Isn't this a cute little owl!

The movie I just so happened to be watching! The movie was good but the books are phenomenal!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Life, Patience, and Christ

There are times in everyone's life when it seems as though we are holding on by a thread. We find ourselves stressed, exasperated, or anxious. These are all symptoms that seem to occur at one point or another in our lives. 

If everyday was "perfect" how would we know what truly living is? In order to fully define life, we must experience the good and the bad. In order to see the good in life, we have to endure the bad days. Highs and Lows, Mountains and Valleys. Although it may seem as though it's the end of the world, I can assure you its not. I believe God gives everyone a challenge. Not for pleasure of watching us struggle or loose faith. Rather, to bring us closer to Him and realize we have the strength to make the most of every situation. These challenges help us learn more about ourselves and realize with Christ anything is possible!
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”

Sometimes one of the hardest things to find is patience, though it is a lesson for everyone. We get so caught up in our busy lives. Rushing around trying to be everywhere and do everything at once. We can't expect everything we want to happen right away. Throwing a fit and complaining about how your test isn't graded, is not going to make it happen any faster.  Lately I have been lacking patience. I have the hardest time sitting still for starters as well as taking my time. The other day my Mom, sister and I made a quick stop at the grocery to get just a few things (The key word being quick). Well, if you know my family, you may notice that my Dad and I tend to walk faster than my Mom and sister. So as we are sauntering through the store looking at all the unneeded yet desired products, Megan (me), is becoming agitated by the second. I just remember thinking "why do they walk so slow!!" It was actually driving me crazy. I just wanted to go home and finish my book while I drank a nice hot cup of peppermint tea by the fire. But no. I was stuck walking slowly through the isles. I am not known for my patience. That is a true fact. However I realize now that I could have been a little more tolerant.  I didn't need to be short with my sister. I didn't have anything I had to get to. Sometime I think we get so caught up in the busy world around us and think more for ourselves rather than living life with those around us. 
“Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way.”
~Fulton J. Sheen
 Although we may not know where we will be, one month from now or ten years from now, I can promise you, God has a plan! We have to let God's plans unfold. Not only will we find ourselves coming closer to Christ but learning more about ourselves as we grow in faith. There are times when things don't work out the way we want them to. As the saying goes, when one door shuts, another door is opened. We have to be patient. Mountains and Valleys. Just because your having a bad day, be patient, with Christ it will only get better!

Have patience in your life and Christ will deliver!
Yours Truly,
"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."
~Romans 8:25

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

La Historia De Mi Vida

The Cross Country season has come to a close, and with that, the blistering winds of Kansas have blown through. Although I don't have practice everyday, I'm still just as busy as ever! I seem to be involved in a lot of activities which makes for a fun yet slightly stressful lifestyle! Thanksgiving is fast approaching and Christmas is right around the corner (The most wonderful time of the year!) As soon as Thanksgiving day has past, I can assure you, Christmas music will be filling the house! There is just so much to do and so little time to do it! Although I am grateful for the extra bit of free time, I am struggling to do away with running. Running and Jesus are essentially my life. However our team had a great end to the season. This year at State our team did AMAZING! The girls team placed fourth (the best we have placed since I've been on the team) and the boys placed third. For the first time in history on the boys side, we had, not only a STATE CHAMPION, but a STATE RUNNER-UP as well! Those guys, Michael and Jackson, who stood on the podium this year worked so hard. Not only were they motivated to t run every day, they were dedicated. They ate, spoke, dressed, acted, LIVED like state champions. In my opinion, there wasn't just one state champ, there was two! On the girls side we had two state medalist. My sister, Cara, placed 20th and I placed 15th. It only took four years to get on that podium, but let me tell ya! It never felt sweeter! Our team worked so hard this year and I couldn't have been more thrilled! My love for this team is enormous! I definitely would not be where I am today without them. Hopefully I will be able to run cross country and track in college! As I have spoken with a few coaches, I am getting closer to running at the next level. 

Our State Champions!

The Crew

College is another big portion of my life, as it is for most every other senior. Taking that next step. Turning the page. Writing a new chapter. Beginning a new phrase. Education is so important in this day and age. I'm so excited for college and the new adventures God will lead me on! It is during these decisive moments we must lean on the Lord. Each college has it's positive's and negative's which sometimes makes it harder for the decision making. Although in my opinion the hardest part is finding scholarships. There are so many out there! It just takes time to apply for each one. But hey! If a two hour essay will give me 1000 dollars, I'll do what ever it takes! Right now the hardest part is deciding whether to run or not to run. So far I have my college search narrowed down to two. One being purely for academics and the other to run at. Right now I don't think I can give up running. But do I break away from the family tradition? The answer is always pray. Pray Pray Pray. In everything you do, do it with Christ! I can't wait to see where God guide's me!

Here's just a peek into the life of Megan! I hope you're having a marvelous day!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. ~Proverbs 3:5-6